Τask types

Here are all the task types in detail:


 Choose one answer: Read the question carefully and choose one answer.

 Grouped questions: This task consists of 4 to 6 questions, which you can view by clicking on the corresponding number on the top right of the page. Read the question first, followed by the text . Then answer all the questions.

 Fill the gap: This task consists of gapped text. You may view the possible answers by clicking on each gap. You have to fill in all the gaps, before proceeding to the next task.

Write in the gap: This is a gapped text task, where you have to fill in one word. Mind your spelling!


Choose one answer: This task consists of questions with 3 possible answers. Choose one of the answers, after listening to each question carefully. You may hear each part twice, by clicking on the relevant icon on the top of the task.

Grouped questions: This task consists of 4 to 6 questions, which you can view by clicking on the corresponding numbers. You have to answer as you listen. You can hear each part twice.

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